Personal loans

We can help you find the best non-secured personal loan in the market. With one application Sambla compares 40 banks and lenders to help you find the lowest interest rate possible.

Apply for a personal loan up to 800,000 SEK and we’ll find you the best terms possible – free of charge.

tick Deal with unexpected expenses
tick Find the best personal loan
tick Fast & Easy

Personal loans

We can help you find the best non-secured personal loan in the market. With one application Sambla compares 40 banks and lenders to help you find the lowest interest rate possible.

Apply for a personal loan up to 800,000 SEK and we’ll find you the best terms possible – free of charge.

tickDeal with unexpected expenses
tick Find the best personal loan
tick Fast & Easy

Ange beloppet för detta lån.
Ungefärlig kostnad  i år
0 kr/mån
Genom att samla lån får du större chans till bättre bud då hela din lånesituation beaktas och kan förbättras. Bankerna kan då "köpa upp" alla dina lån och ge ett förbättrat lån på hela ditt belopp, ofta med bättre villkor än att ta ett nytt lån ovanpå dina gamla
Din e-post behövs för att du säkert ska kunna motta låneförslagen och för kontakt genom processen.
Vi behöver ditt telefonnummer så att våra rådgivare kan kontakta dig angående din låneansökan.
Requested loan amount


Loan period


Genom att påbörja ansökan godkänner jag användaravtalet och bekräftar att jag tagit del av dataskyddspolicyn.
Tryggt och säkert

*The interest rate is variable and is set individually. For an annuity loan of SEK 0 with a 12 year maturity, nominal interest rate NaN% and SEK 0 in set-up / avia fee, the effective interest rate will be 0 %. Total amount to pay: 0 SEK. Monthly cost: 0 SEK distributed on 144 payment occasions. Sambla works with 40 lenders. Your application will be sent to the lenders that best match your profile. Repayment period 1-20 years. The maximum interest rate is 22.99%. Interest rate range between: 4.95% - 22.99% (Updated January 2025).

Att låna kostar pengar!

Om du inte kan betala tillbaka skulden i tid riskerar du en betalningsanmärkning. Det kan leda till svårigheter att få hyra bostad, teckna abonnemang och få nya lån. För stöd, vänd dig till budget- och skuldrådgivningen i din kommun. Kontaktuppgifter finns på

Current comparasions - Others who are comparing loans at this moment!

Sooner or later, we all run into financial difficulties. An unexpected bill for home or car repairs. Too many credit card balances. A family emergency.

There’s no embarrassment in it. It happens to everyone.

Sadly, though, most of us don’t have huge bank balances, or rich relatives who can help us out. That means we’re left with the next best alternative: a loan.

That can be a daunting experience. It’s not just that you’re probably anxious or worried when you’re about to take out a loan. The whole process is difficult to navigate.

When researching loans you’ll find there are a ton of lenders to choose from, most with confusing terms and conditions. There are many different types of loans, too, and they’re not all the same.

Sambla is ready to help you sort through the confusion and get the bank loan that makes the most sense for you. But before we take a deeper look at the services that Sambla can provide, let’s demystify the whole subject of loans.

Finding the right type of loan

The basics of a loan are almost always the same. A person or business lends you money for a certain amount of time. You then pay the money back, along with an agreed amount of interest.

That’s where things can get complicated, because there are many different “types” of loans.

  • Secured loans: You’re probably most familiar with home and car loans; the lender has “security” in the event that you don’t pay the money back, because they can repossess your home or car. Home equity and auto title loans also fall into this category, as do pawn shop loans, since the item you’ve pawned serves as the collateral, or security.
  • Credit card loans: No security is required for a credit card loan, but you’ll usually be charged huge interest rates. Even worse, there’s no agreed-upon repayment period, so it’s much too easy to carry these loans – and make enormous interest payments – virtually forever.
  • Payday loans: These short-term, unsecured loans are small ones at sky-high interest rates. You’ll normally have to give the lender a post-dated check or debit authorization, so they can collect their repayment as you get your next paycheck.
  • Personal loans: No collateral is required for an unsecured personal loan; the lender uses your credit scores, credit report and employment/housing history in order to decide whether you qualify for the loan and how much interest you’ll pay. Interest rates are lower than for credit card and payday loans, and there’s a set repayment period. Personal loans are usually the best choice if you have to make a big purchase, or consolidate other debts like credit cards debt.

For most people, the smartest way to borrow money is with a non-secured personal loan.

But how do you get one?

Read more: Student loans

Compare, Compare, Compare

A large number of banks, financial institutions and other lenders offer personal loans. Many of them let you apply online without even leaving your home. But applying to the first lender you find online can be a big mistake.

The terms, interest rates and other conditions attached to personal loans can vary widely, depending on who’s issuing the loan and how they view your application. If you jump at the first loan offer you receive, you could be accepting a deal that’s a lot worse than another lender would give you.

Visiting a number of banks, or a number of online loan websites, is one way to compare loan offers and lenders.

The much easier option is to use a service like Sambla.

Read more: Savings account

How does Sambla work?

In a nutshell: once you tell us what you need and a little about your personal details, we do all the work for you and find the best personal loan options for you. If you have outstanding loans, those can be rolled right into your new one, too.

You fill out just one loan application, and our Sambla team goes into action. We’ll contact more than 40 banks and lenders with your information, and then collect all of the personal loan offers that have been crafted specifically for your situation.

Within 24 hours, all of your offers will be available for viewing on the Sambla website. You can compare loan amounts, monthly payments, interest rates, repayment options and other conditions – and then make an informed and smart decision on the best loan for your needs.

The process is fast, simple and has worked for thousands of applicants who have needed personal loans.

Fast payment to your account

We’ll usually get you your money in 2-3 days. And once you have it, there are no restrictions on how you can use it. Paying emergency debts, paying off credit cards, buying badly-needed appliances – even taking that vacation you deserve. The money is yours.

And since it’s an unsecured personal loan, you can never lose your car or property if you run into new financial problems.

Quite simply, Sambla finds you a deal you simply can’t beat.

Who can apply for a personal loan?

There are several requirements for a Sambla loan application, but almost everyone who has visited this page is eligible.

  • You must be at least 18 years old.
  • You must have been a Swedish resident for at least one year.
  • You must have a steady income of at least 8 400 SEK, either from gainful employment or a pension.
  • You must have been debt-free with the Kronofogdemyndigheten (Swedish Enforcement Authority) for at last six months.

That’s it. If you meet those requirements, we can find you the personal loan you need, quickly and easily – and you’ll have multiple offers to choose from within 24 hours!

FAQ - Personal loans

If my application goes to 40+ lenders, does that mean 40+ credit checks will show up on my credit report?

Absolutely not. Only one credit check will be done, and all lenders will have access to it. Your credit won’t suffer when you apply for a presonal laon through Sambla.

What interest rate will I pay for my loan?

That depends on your income, credit history and other factors. Each offer you receive will detail the interest rate associated with the loan.

Can I apply for a loan through Sambla if I have a previous record of late payments or defaults?

Yes, some of our partner banks specialize in these types of loans. Your past payment record may affect the interest rates you’re offered, but you’re still eligible to apply.

How long will I have to accept one of the loan offers I receive?

The offers are valid for 30 days.

Can I consolidate old loans into a new loan through Sambla?

Yes, that’s one of the best uses for these personal loans.

If I have trouble with the online application, can I get personal help?

Of course! Just call us, and one of our helpful professionals can walk you through the process.

Here is a selection of our 40 creditors