Merge loans and credits –
Loan up to 800,000 SEK

Apply in 2 minutes and get notified today

Choose the loan amount you want and our creditors will submit their bids to you.
Save thousands completely free of charge.

tick Merge your loans & reduce your monthly cost
tick Sign the loan with BankID
tick Compare more than 40 creditors

Merge loans and credits –
Loan up to 800,000 SEK

Apply in 2 minutes and get notified today

Since the start in 2014, we have helped over 390 000 satisfied customers aquire a loan with low interest rate.

tick Save money with lower interest rates
tick More than 40 creditors
tick Only a single credit report at UC

Ange beloppet för detta lån.
Ungefärlig kostnad  i 12 år
0 kr/mån
Genom att samla lån får du större chans till bättre bud då hela din lånesituation beaktas och kan förbättras. Bankerna kan då "köpa upp" alla dina lån och ge ett förbättrat lån på hela ditt belopp, ofta med bättre villkor än att ta ett nytt lån ovanpå dina gamla
Din e-post behövs för att du säkert ska kunna motta låneförslagen och för kontakt genom processen.
Vi behöver ditt telefonnummer så att våra rådgivare kan kontakta dig angående din låneansökan.
Requested loan amount

310000 kr

Loan period

12 years

Genom att påbörja ansökan godkänner jag användaravtalet och bekräftar att jag tagit del av dataskyddspolicyn.
Tryggt och säkert

*The interest rate is variable and is set individually. For an annuity loan of SEK 0 with a 12 year maturity, nominal interest rate NaN% and SEK 0 in set-up / avia fee, the effective interest rate will be 0 %. Total amount to pay: 0 SEK. Monthly cost: 0 SEK distributed on 144 payment occasions. Sambla works with 40 lenders. Your application will be sent to the lenders that best match your profile. Repayment period 1-20 years. The maximum interest rate is 22.99%. Interest rate range between: 4.95% - 22.99% (Updated January 2025).

Att låna kostar pengar!

Om du inte kan betala tillbaka skulden i tid riskerar du en betalningsanmärkning. Det kan leda till svårigheter att få hyra bostad, teckna abonnemang och få nya lån. För stöd, vänd dig till budget- och skuldrådgivningen i din kommun. Kontaktuppgifter finns på

Here is a selection out of 40 of our partners

Current comparasions - Others who are comparing loans at this moment!

Compare loans through Sambla

When you sign for a loan, it is natural that you want the best possible interest rate.

Sambla offers a smooth, free and secure solution for you who want to borrow money and merge loans. What you are going to use the money for is up to you. By comparing personal loans with several banks and lenders at the same time, we help you find the loan with the best terms and the lowest interest rate.

How it works

Picture of start comparing

Fill in your application
It takes around 2 minutes and is completely free.

Picture of creditors bid

Compare and pick offer
Receive offers from up to 40 banks and creditors within 24 hours. Sambla helps you pick the best offer if you need help

Picture of select loan proposal

Receive your money
Sign via BankID or with a pen. The money will then appear in the account within a few days.

Your personal finance – in our app

In our app you’ll see your personal credit score that we fetch from UC, without a credit check being taken. You’ll also get an overview of your current debt, and if you want help to consolidate current loans, we’ll help you with your application. Everything is of course without charge.

Download now

app store

Frequently asked questions

Is there only one credit record being made?

Yes! Even though you receive up to 40 different loan offers, only a single credit report is made. However, all creditors who took it from your information must send a separate survey copy. In individual cases, some banks may include additional information in addition to the information provided by UC to improve the quality of the credit decision. To maximize the chance of good loan terms, we also recommend that you include a co-applicant in your comparison. This is often a great advantage when the banks make their assessment.

How quickly do I get a response from the banks?

On weekends, all banks respond within 24 hours. On holidays, it differs from creditor to creditor – usually smaller loan amounts can be granted directly even on the weekend.

What are the requirements for applying for a loan through Sambla?
  • You must be at least 18 years old.
  • Have a monthly income of at least SEK 8,400.
  • Been registered in Sweden for at least 1 year.
  • Have not had a debt balance with the Enforcement Officer in the last 6 months.
How can Sambla’s service be 100% free?

Sambla receives compensation from the bank that pays out the loan of your choice. There are no interest surcharges or extra costs by using our service. Simply put, the banks pay us to find new customers, instead of spending their money on expensive marketing in e.g. TV and radio.